With all the online services and information that you need to manage your bookings with NH Hotels more efficiently.
Or, if you prefer, you can get in touch with us by writing to us, sending us an email or phoning us on one of the numbers below
(In order to manage your request or question correctly, NH will process your personal data accordingly. Read our privacy policy here.
Travel Agents
Carlos Pellegrini 1069 piso 10 Buenos Aires
C1009ABU Buenos Aires
Phone number* 0054 1157766464 E-mail ventas.mercosur@nh-hotels.com - Austria
- Belgium
Av. Moaci, 395 - cj 35/36 São Paulo
CEP 0483-000 São Paulo
Phone number* +55 11 3589 4630 E-mail sales.brazil@nh-hotels.com -
Av. Condell Santiago de Chile
4011000 Santiago de Chile
Phone number* 0052 23417575 E-mail ventas.mercosur@nh-hotels.com -
Calle 93 12 / 41-65 Bogotá
11001 Bogotá
Phone number* 0057 1 5897744 E-mail nhbogota93@nh-hotels.com - Cuba
- Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Avenida Alemania S/N El Cortecito Bavaro Beach Phone number* 001809 2856500 E-mail nhpuntacana@nh-hotels.com
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com -
Rue Jose Marti 5 Petionville
Phone number* 00509 28151000 E-mail nhhaitielrancho@nh-hotels.com -
Via Giovanni Battista Pergolesi 2 Milano
20122 Milano
Phone number* +39 02 57797860 E-mail m.rampini@nh-hotels.com -
Route de Tréves Luxembourg
2633 Senningerberg Luxembourg
Phone number* +31 35 6299 299 E-mail nh.luxembourg@nh-hotels.com - Mexico
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com -
Calle Alfonso Gómez 30-32 Madrid
28037 Madrid
Phone number* 0034 913277800 E-mail nh.spain@nh-hotels.com -
Strada Pestalozzi 1/a. Timisoara
RO-300115 Timisoara
Phone number* 0049 1807 80 79 99 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com -
Ambrušova SK Bratislava
821 04 Bratislava
Phone number* 00421 2 327 700 00 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - South Africa
Calle Alfonso Gómez 30-32 Madrid
28037 Madrid
Phone number* 0034 913277800 E-mail nh.spain@nh-hotels.com -
Schaffhauserstr. 101 Glattbrugg
CH-8162 Glattbrugg
Phone number* 0041 44 808500 0 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com -
The Netherlands
Distelkade 21 Amsterdam
1031 XP Amsterdam
Phone number* 0031 85 902 2322 E-mail nh.holland@nh-hotels.com -
United Kingdom
202-220 Cromwell Road London SW5 0SW London
SW5 0SW London
Phone number* 0044 02072441498 E-mail nh.uk@nh-hotels.com -
Rambla Gran Bretaña Montevideo
47311000 Montevideo
Phone number* 00598 29160001 E-mail ventas.mercosur@nh-hotels.com -
Usa & Canada
9801 Westheimer, Suite 302 Houston, Texas
77042 Houston, Texas
Phone number* 001 7139527791 E-mail nh.holland@nh-hotels.com - Rest of the world
- Argentina
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - Belgium
- Chile
- Colombia
- Cuba
Czech Republic
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - Dominican Republic
- France
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - Haiti
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - Italy
- Luxemburg
- Mexico
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - Portugal
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com -
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - South Africa
- Spain
Friedrichstrasse 95 D Berlin
10117 Berlin
Phone number* 0049 30 2062070 E-mail nh.germany@nh-hotels.com - The Netherlands
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- Rest of the world
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- Argentina
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- Rest of the world
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- Romania (EN)
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- Switzerland (EN)
- The Netherlands
- The Netherlands (EN)
- United Kingdom
- Uruguay
- Belgium :0032070359790
- France :00330821775689
- Germany :0049(0)3022385091
- Italy :+39 02 57797860
- Netherlands :0031207018057
- Spain :0034916008013
- Switzerland :00410848006622
- UK :004408708075478
NH&YOURAGENCYSPACE is an online booking tool for travel agents where you can find everything you need to book rooms and organize meetings and conferences for your clients – quickly and easily, 24hrs and 365 days a year.
Yes, this reservation tool is completely free, it is provided by NH Hotel Group to you with the goal of making your reservations easier and quicker.
New users: to register now click here and we will contact you as soon as possible (response time is 48 hrs).
You can reset your password under the Travel Agencies section in our website by clicking on the “Forgot password?” button. For a more detailed explanation, look at our quick guide.
Yes, this information will be shown if you previously contact the sales department to request it. All the rates and conditions will be automatically displayed based on the agreement conditions established.
Yes, a maximum of five rooms per user, date and hotel can be booked via the online booking tool.
In order to include a corporate account in the program, the company must sign up and receive approval of the sales department. To start the sign up process contact the sales team via email, or by calling the Call Center directly. Once the Sign Up process has been completed, you will be able to manage your bookings.
Yes, you can easily modify dates. Go to “My Reservations” section on your personal page or on the homepage and enter the new dates. For a more detailed explanation, look at our quick guide.
Yes, you can cancel one or several bookings, without any extra charge, depending on the cancelation policy indicated in the booking confirmation.
Yes, you can extend your reservations subject to availability. The availability and rates will be confirmed upon request. For a more detailed explanation, look at our quick guide.
Go to the “Meetings & Events” section on the nh-hotels.com website and fill in the form stating your requirements regarding the accommodation, food & beverages, meeting spaces and audiovisual requirements.